Thursday 13 March 2014


Boris Johnson is tipped by many so called political experts to be the next leader of the Conservative party, this means that Britain's next Prime Minister will probably be either Ed Miliband or Boris Johnson! How? Out of seventy million people that live in Britain do these two useless, clumsy, half witted idiots end up as front runners to lead us? Who do you vote for out of these idiots? It is like having to chose from Mr Bean and Mr Blobby. I am pretty sure that I could walk in any City center in Britain and find hundreds of people more suitable to run our country than these rambling puppets.

People like Boris Johnson do should not be given power they should be given a straight jacket and a padded cell as should their voters. David Cameron is bad enough imagine Boris Johnson. Maybe it is part of a brilliant plan by the Conservative, Boris Johnson is so stupid that they could pretend that their evil actions are not evil but stupid instead, similar to George Bush in USA.

Are these public schools having a laugh or something? Looking at the results of the blithering, differing idiots that come out of these expensive public schools and end up leading us, its surely time to look elsewhere for our leaders.

Our politicians are living in a completely different reality to us when these greedy politicians change laws, cut benefits and try to sell off the NHS it is not the politicians that suffer. A politicians job is to represent the opinions of its voters, Nick Clegg is confused about this, as Nick Clegg seems to think that his job is to be an absolute corporate whore, he should remember the eight million voters that were misguided enough to vote for him have not been represented in the way they would have hoped to have been at all, in fact they have been represented by a greedy corporate sell out (a Tory in disguise and another blatant IDIOT that seems to have no idea who he supposed to be  representing.)

If the masses want a government that actually represents the voters its time to stop voting for the lunatics that we keep handing our power to, the trouble our corporate controlled mainstream media only promotes political parties that work for them and the masses in Britain are so gullible and easily influenced that they fail to see that the corporate propagate the corporate whores and attack everybody else.

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